Other programs in applied maths & informatics Information for Foreign Students |
* MISTIS - Modélisation et inférence de systèmes aléatoires complexes et structurés
* mOeX - Evolution of knowledge representations in individuals and populations.
* POLARIS - Performance evaluation and Optimization of LARge Infrastructures and Systems
* THOTH - Learning visual models from large-scale data
* TYREX - Foundations of the next generation of data analytics and data-centric programming systems
* APTIKAL - Algorithms, Principles and TheorIes for collaborative Knowledge acquisition And Learning
* ERODS - Efficient and Robust Distributed Systems
* IIHM - Ingénierie de l'Interaction Homme-Machine
* MRIM - Multimedia Information Indexing and Retrieval
* SIGMA - Systèmes d’Information - inGénierie et Modélisation Adaptables
* DAO - Optimization and Learning for Data Sciences
* SVH - Statistique pour les sciences du Vivant et de l'Homme
* CMB - Computational and Mathematical Biology